Lockdown Procedures

The University may go into lockdown for two primary reasons; an active violent threat to the campus or potential for an active violent threat to occur. 可能发生的情况包括对他人和/或对自己的威胁.


Additional resources are listed below.

观察到暴力行为或认为暴力行为即将发生的人, should report it by calling 911. 拨打911时,可以要求来电者提供以下任何信息:

  • 位置(可包括街道地址、Rm号或主要方向)
    • 注:对于大部分校园,大学的水塔在校园的北侧. 这可以作为一个地标,帮助你确定主要方向.
  • Type of emergency
  • For violent acts:
    • 对象的描述(外表,已知的姓名,旅行方向等).)
    • 武器描述(可包括刀、手枪、步枪、猎枪等基本信息).)
    • Other “qualifiers”
      • Hear gun shots or people yelling/screaming
      • See someone carrying a weapon or people running/evacuating


  • 避免正常化:观察活动威胁的元素并将其严重性最小化是很常见的. 一个典型的例子是听到一声枪响,然后断定这是汽车回火的声音.
  • Respond quickly, using the Run Hide Fight model.
  • Report the threat as soon as safe to do so.

如果您无法确定观察到的可疑行为是否构成紧急情况, you can report it to 911 or Campus Safety.


大学将通过AU警报通知校园封锁. The initial AU Alert will contain the following verbiage:

AU ALERT: Campus LOCKDOWN in effect.

RUN: away from threat.
FIGHT: defend.

WAIT for All Clear alert

AU ALERT: Campus LOCKDOWN in effect.

RUN away from threat.
HIDE: find shelter, lock doors, reduce signs of life.
FIGHT: defend.

WAIT for All Clear alert

Report emergencies to 911





When a lockdown is initiated two major tasks will occur simultaneously; the securing/locking of doors and the campus responding using the Run Hide Fight model.


需要注意的是,当门禁门处于锁定状态时, they will only grant access to emergency responders. 在封锁期间,员工和学生的常规通道将被禁止. 例如,宿舍楼的学生将不能使用他们的AUID卡进入宿舍.

在校园安全的同时,个人需要使用跑躲打模式做出反应. 这个模型是一个连续的自我评估工具,并且被设计成以任何顺序使用任何选项.

Assessment: Is it safe for me to leave the area?
Action: If yes, take the following steps:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind
  • Leave your belongings behind
  • 当你跑步时,继续评估你的路线/方向的安全性
  • 如果遇到紧急服务,请保持双手可见,掌心朝前
  • Continue to run/leave until you are safe
  • Remain in the safe area until an “All Clear” has been issued

Action: If yes, take the following steps:

  • 躲在射手视线之外的地方(避免用窗户或门的视线板直接瞄准)
  • 通过锁好门,或者用桌子把它堵起来,阻止进入你的藏身之处
  • Reduce signs of life:
    • Lights off
    • Silence phones
    • Turn off other electronics
  • Remain quiet
  • 保持隐藏,直到不再安全,或直到“所有清除”发出


  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
  • Act with physical aggression
  • 如果可能的话,与他人协调以提高效率.

紧急服务将对现场作出反应,个人应该知道如何与他们互动. The primary objective is to stop the threat. 这意味着,在威胁停止之前,执法部门不会停止提供医疗急救. 紧急医疗服务也将在现场,并准备在安全的情况下提供护理.

When interacting with emergency services, remember to:

  • Follow their directions
  • Keep your hands visible, palm facing forward
  • Do not run towards them

校园应注意,bet365中文学院和露丝默多克小学的反应程序将遵循贝里恩县的K-12程序, 包括区分内部威胁和外部威胁的反应.

一旦执法部门确认威胁不再影响校园, an “All Clear” message will be sent through AU Alert. 这条信息表明校园威胁已不复存在, 在恢复过程中仍将采取一些步骤.

Emergency services steps can include:

  • Providing medical care
  • Escorting those hidden out of buildings
  • Collecting evidence
  • Conducting interviews

University steps can include:

  • 提供支持服务,包括校园事工和辅导 & Testing Center
  • 因应紧急情况,修改大学活动时间表或地点

这些指示可由紧急服务人员口头提供, through AU Alert, or through campus email or social media. As the recovery process continues, 鼓励个人监控他们的沟通方法,以保持对可用资源和指令的最新了解.

康复的另一个重要部分是照顾好自己. 有些紧急情况可能是创伤性的,可能会对你产生影响. 学校确实有资源帮助你恢复日常活动. If you or someone you know needs assistance, you can notify any of the following departments or submit a CARE report online.


Departments Phone#
Student Life Deans 269-471-3215
Lamson Hall Deans 269-471-3446
Meier Hall Deans 269-471-3390
University Towers Deans 269-471-3360
Office of Campus Safety 269-471-3321
Counseling & Testing Center (Confidential) 269-471-3470
Campus Chaplains (Confidential) 269-471-3211
Office of Human Resources 269-471-3570



Ready.gov - Active Shooter (Run. Hide. Fight.) 

Homeland Security - Active Shooter