
While answers here reflect online perspectives, where main campus differs, note reflect variations.  

为了最大限度地提高学生的成功, faculty approve certain lower division courses for high school students that meet 录取标准 课程先决条件.  参考以下列表 高中注册批准课程 每次申请时.  If you have completed several bet365中文大学 courses with high grades, 想选一门不在预先批准的课程名单上的课, 电子邮件precollege@wsimobile180.com noting the class you are interested in and why you think you're ready for this more challenging class. If you've taken prerequisite classes at another college or university, 附上一份该机构成绩单的非官方副本. We will review your request with the department chair for a decision within a week.

学会承担平衡学习的责任, 工作, 和玩耍, 在身体成长的同时, 精神上, 社会和学术, 是很重要的.  As the opportunities to take college courses expand, some believe that more is better.  但是一个 我在北卡罗来纳大学学习 表明, 五门大学课程是有益的.  More than five make little difference to levels of achievement and could negatively impact success, as students come to college exhausted and unprepared for the broader challenges of college life.

在您完成在线申请后, the online orientation (in the first term you register in one school year), 让所有人在登记表上签名, 发邮件至precollege@wsimobile180.com  If all is complete, an email usually confirms registration within 2 business days.  如果你等到截止日期或者跳过一些步骤,你会花更长的时间.

Registrations are processed in the order received as long as there are seats available and all prerequisites and 录取标准 are met.   

The courses are 发达 by bet365中文大学 professors to be taught at the university level to earn university credit.  They are rigorous and recommended only for high performing students who meet bet365中文大学 录取标准.

是的. 如果学生在9月1日前满20岁, 他们没有资格享受高中学费, but are welcome to continue taking bet365中文大学 courses at the regular university student rate. The lower age limit is not specified; rather, 学生必须完成10年级, 11或12或同等水平在另一个国家.

To be eligible, students must be attending an English medium school, with a GPA of 3.0分或以上,并由学院推荐.  91% of students who met our 录取标准 in recent years earned A or B grades.

有些课程是以讲座为基础的, 有些则更具参与性, 取决于学科和老师的喜好, 除其他因素外. In distance education, lecture-based classes may take a variety of forms.  学生 may watch class-length video presentations or shorter lecture segments, 穿插着复习部分. All courses, however, include some interaction with the teacher and classmates, online and on campus.

The level of interaction within a course varies from course to course and depends on the discipline. Instructors also interact with students through email discussion and chat, 由老师和学生共同发起, 根据需要.

创建所有类, 发达, and taught by experienced 基督复临安息日会 Christian teachers and scholars qualified in their discipline.  课程是建立在基督教的世界观. The principles of Christian faith are integrated into learning through intentional curriculum planning as well as more informal interactions between faculty and students in and out of class.

课程安排在15周的学期内完成. When a student logs into the online learning management system called learninghub, 每门课程都有自己的学习空间. 在定向模块中, 学生学习如何获取学习材料, 参与讨论, 完成并提交作业, 申请并参加考试.

Online class instructors are qualified adjunct faculty; main campus courses may be taught by adjunct or full-time faculty.  Online students are guided through lessons with audio-visuals and/or written instructions. 指导员会张贴问题, 提示, and reminders in the class news and interact with students in the discussion assignments. Their contact 信息 is posted in online classes and students are invited to email or call instructors with any questions.

互动在线课程, 比如在bet365中文面对面授课的课程, 开始和结束在固定的日期, 为作业和考试设定具体的截止日期. 学生 do not need to be 'in class' at a specific hour each day for online classes; they can participatte at a time that fits their schedule best. Setting up fixed times for learning 是很重要的; daily is ideal.

学生 are prompted to fill in a form in their course space with contact 信息 for a proctor or supervisor. The registrar, librarian or testing coordinator at a school will be the best choice for a proctor. 亲戚或朋友不得监考.

大多数考试都是在线完成的. Approved proctors are sent a specific code to enter in the course space at the time the student schedules to take the exam. So the location for the exam should be a quiet room free of distractions with a computer with internet access.

数学课有纸考. Approved proctors will be sent the exam to hold untili the scheduled exam time. The proctor will be responsible for returning the completed exam as instructed.

An email will be sent to the student noting when the proctor has been contacted. The student is responsible for setting up an appointment with the proctor to take the exam, 以及支付邮寄费用, 如果完成的考试应该邮寄.


Signing the student's application form indicates the school approves this student taking a college course.  他们已达到入学要求, and demonstrated academic and independent learning ability to enable them to succeed in this college experience.

Providing space for the student to 工作 online during their free period, 能回答问题是值得感谢的.  学生 who need help should first communicate with their course instructor. 如果老师认为需要辅导, the School of 距离 Education Student Services office will assist in finding the right level of support, 其中可能包括在线辅导.